Legal notice
Groninger Holding GmbH & Co. KG
Hofäckerstraße 9
74564 Crailsheim
Phone + 49 7951 495 0
Fax + 49 7951 495 3138
Commercial Register:
Ulm, HRA 724129
VAT-ID no.: 5707227718
Personally liable partner of Groninger Holding GmbH & Co. KG
Groninger-Verwaltungs-GmbH, Crailsheim
Managing Directors of Groninger-Verwaltungs-GmbH:
Jens Groninger, Volker Groninger und Horst Groninger
Commercial Register:
Ulm, HRB 73112
Responsible for content: Jens Groninger
Professional contact persons
groninger & co. gmbh
Hofäckerstraße 9
74564 Crailsheim
Phone + 49 7951 495 0
Managing Directors: Jens Groninger, Horst Groninger, Josef Veile
groninger GmbH & Co. KG
Birkenbergstraße 1
91625 Schnelldorf
Phone +49 7950 800-0
Managing Directors: Volker Groninger, Dr.-Ing. Frieder Kanitz
Groninger Sortiersysteme GmbH & Co. KG
Hofäckerstraße 9
74564 Crailsheim
Phone + 49 7951 495 0
Managing Director: Jens Groninger
groninger USA LLC
14045 South Lakes Drive
Charlotte, NC 28273 | USA
Phone +1 704 295-9000
Managing Director: Philipp Hauser
Liability notice
We assume no responsibility or liability for the information on this website. Our goal is to provide current and accurate information. However, we cannot guarantee that the information available on this website is actually up-to-date, comprehensive, complete or accurate.
The information provided is of a general nature and is not intended to address the specific needs of any particular individual or entity. In particular, it is not intended to provide advice.
Insofar as this website refers to other websites, we cannot influence their content and cannot accept any responsibility for it.